It’s Thursday, which in Tamiland is Purge Day... trash goes out tonight, and we have so much stuff! Clutter is my biggest enemy, and like many of you, I love to shop- mostly thrifting, and garage sales and the like, but BOY does it add up! Lately my goal has been to fill our mega trash can every Thursday, but it’s actually harder that it seems, since we’re really careful about recycling and repurposing.
(Yeah, these aren't even ALL of our puzzles...)
We donate a TON of stuff, so much, actually, that when D was doing our taxes (God bless Turbo-Tax, BTW!), we were on the verge of audit territory, simply because our list was so long. TT itemizes each individual shirt, vase, etc... But really, when you thrift 18 items of clothing for $7, it’s easy to accumulate a lot of excess! This is off-topic, anyway, because Tuesday is Donation Day...
I don’t know how well it’s gonna work, but I’m trying to create a schedule for myself regarding posting. I reeeeeaalllly wanted to be able to brag on my Thrift Store finds yesterday, since Wednesday is my favorite day at my favorite store- but it was a bust! I don’t think I’ve ever come home so empty-handed as I did yesterday, and Mom & I even went to St. Vinnies’ in an attempt to salvage things! Lame. However, at least I didn’t add (much) to the piles I already own...
So~ Sunday is Goodwill Fun Day for me. After church (if D is home, ‘cause I can’t wrestle 3 rugrats into a pew without him) and brunch, I go stalk the aisles at my local GWs. Yes, plural - there are THREE in my area. Amazingly awesome, yes? I usually don’t make it to all three in one day, but I like to try. :)
Monday, provided I scored something that inspired me, will be a Makeover. If there is no crafty magic to be had, I might work in my OTHER passion- the beauty/hairstyling/makeup/skincare type of makeover. I’ll be playing that one by ear.
(I know it's hard to believe, but before Tasha 'madeover" this doll, she was a troll!)
Tuesday is Donation Day, which basically means I clean and declutter and hopefully do laundry... I cannot believe how quickly clothing items for the kids go from the “to grow into” bins, to their drawers, to the “pass down to “X” to grow into” basket, to the donation boxes. Honestly, if we (I) weren’t so cheap frugal clever about buying these guys their duds, we’d have naked kids! I mean, really, how do people do this at full retail price???
Then comes Wonderful Wednesday, when I stock the kids’ closets, decorate my house, find organization solutions... ~sigh~ I looooovvvee Wednesdays, except when they’re like yesterday. What a let-down. Seriously, lame.
I think I'll save the rest of the week's layout for tomorrow...
xoxo, Tami
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