Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Oh, Happy Day!

Finally!  On TWO counts...

No. 1)  We’ve begun on the bathroom reno, and not a moment too soon.  I ripped the trim and racks off the wall last night, 

and went first thing to choose the tile this morning.

No. 2)  We got a puppy!!!  Isn’t she gorgeous?  

I fell in love with her photo on an adoption site, and all it took was convincing my husband I wasn’t going to rush out and get a job, and voila!
Now we have the issue of housetraining a puppy in the same room we’re trying to redo, but it’s an issue I will gladly face :)
More tomorrow, as we get used to having a new baby in the house.  There will be more pics, and an update on any progress I make with the redo.  The new vanity should arrive in about 10 days, so I have a world of work to do to prepare...

1 comment:

Heather said...

As you know, dogs terrify me, but that is one adorable puppy! If she stayed the small forever, I'd consider a puppy like her!